Man oh man! Just incredible. Testimony after testimony proves that some religions persevere on the use of tactics of the 1500's and 1600s'.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Got my JC cancelled... (at least for now)
by Sanchy inso my wife and i have been in the process of fading for a few months now as per my original post here.
about a week ago, i was browsing some ex-jw facebook groups when i saw a post that linked to the crisis of conscience book.
i said "f@(k it" and hit share on it.. a few hours later, i get a long text letter from my mom (who was a fb friend of mine) telling me the typical "good luck finding friends in the world" and how we have "nothing in common anymore"; basically, it was a 'farewell' text.
never a jw
American democracy in crisis
by slimboyfat inokay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
never a jw
Trump?, Hillary?, Trump supporters?, Hillary supporters? I guess JW's are right. This must be part of the composite signs. Finally I understand what an elder said to me some years ago.
only christianity can turn people into the most arrogant people
by never a jw inso it is 7:30 am here in california and my dog needs to go out.
so i take her out and while i wait for her to be finished my jw neighbor is walking on the sidewalk across the street and quite unexpectedly decides to cross the street towards me.
she has her jw bag and magazines in her hands.
never a jw
I should have added to the title "... turn the humblest people into the most arrogant people".
The lady is a poor woman who may have not finished elementary schooling and quite likely gets a good amount of government social assistance. I know that she grew up very poor in a place where there was no electricity or running water. She is as humble as they come, but Watchtower dogma can easily transform her into a patronizing neighbor.
Rogue: you are right, Christianity is not alone
Steve: Yep, you nailed it.
only christianity can turn people into the most arrogant people
by never a jw inso it is 7:30 am here in california and my dog needs to go out.
so i take her out and while i wait for her to be finished my jw neighbor is walking on the sidewalk across the street and quite unexpectedly decides to cross the street towards me.
she has her jw bag and magazines in her hands.
never a jw
So it is 7:30 am here in California and my dog needs to go out. So I take her out and while I wait for her to be finished my JW neighbor is walking on the sidewalk across the street and quite unexpectedly decides to cross the street towards me. She has her JW bag and magazines in her hands. Since she has never preached to me before, I just didn't think I was a target. Well, I was wrong. So she starts by asking me if I had been to the three day assembly. I responded in a natural voice "No". I was quite ready to pretend to be ignorant of ttatt, to be nice and play along with whatever she said, but I just couldn't hold it. After a short time she tells me: "You should go to the assembly, it is beautiful and wonderful, especially Sunday's meeting, which deals with the last days". This was the point where I had to open my mouth and asked, "Do you believe that we live during the last days". Her anticipated response was "Yes", My retort " I don't". which she followed with a comment "What a pity" ("que lastima" in Spanish) My response, "don't pity me, I pity you". Rather than finish what I wanted to say, I was able to keep to myself the reasons why I pitied her. Nonetheless, she realized then that our conversation was pretty much over, so she said good bye and walked away.
Does any of you get bother as I do by these arrogant, condescending attitude of Christians who are prompt to pity you for not holding their wacky beliefs. I haven't killed a human yet, but if anything can trigger such a feeling is precisely those words.
Why the story of Noah's ark is scientifically impossible: Minimum Viable Population
by ILoveTTATT2 ini didn't know this but there is a way to calculate the minimum population required for a certain species to survive over the next 100 to 1000 years.
this is called the "minimum viable population".. genesis states that 2 (or 7) of each "kind" went into the ark.
supposing that each "kind" means each "species", and they all could fit in the ark, and they came out safely, most of the species would have died, because it is impossible to survive, long-term, with a starting population of 2.this is interesting:"an mvp of 500 to 1,000 has often been given as an average for terrestrial vertebrates when inbreeding or genetic variability is ignored.
never a jw
When lion and lioness are released from the ark, they are going to have to wait for a long while, years before they eat their first meal. Their prey can't be eaten until their cubs are old enough to survive on their own and reproduce. Or perhaps, the lions did eat something that obviously went extinct the moment they ate them. What about tigers...and pumas...and cheetahs...
Woman's Purpose
by StopTheTears ini'm probably going to say some things here that will disappoint many.
there are some that may look back over the years and say "man i really blew it" i'm not writing the following to scold for failures, but rather to help those who are young enough to put into practice what god wills for their life, and also to those of us who are in our middle years that still have time to change some things, in order to please god and find a peace that only being in his will can bring.
first let me say that god didn't create man for you.
never a jw
This is cool Simon! This is virtual reality. Now we get to know what it is to have internet in medieval times. -
American democracy in crisis
by slimboyfat inokay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
never a jw
I don't know how much the video has been edited, but from the first second I expected someone in the group to say "this is comedy" or something along those lines, but they were quite serious about the whole thing. Quite incredible, assuming that this group is a random sample and there are no actors/actresses. I am more prone to believe that participants are knowingly playing stupid in exchange for money.
Sun,moon, earth and mathematics .
by atomant injust thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
never a jw
End of mysteries:
there are trillions of trillions of possible ratios and other relations between numbers used to measure things (degrees, distances, speeds, heat, change of phases, etc) that you can find in the universe. The odds of a particular sequences of numbers appearing again and again are 100%. I can assure you that you can win the lotto more times than you find "2732" if you buy all the tickets available multiple times. Also, I am sure that, if I am willing to waste my time, I can find another sequence appear more times than your "2732" simply because I have trillions of possible combinations to play with. It's a numbers game. Just a game. There's nothing divine, Only human narcissism.
Sun,moon, earth and mathematics .
by atomant injust thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
New to this. But not the life.
by Irocz ini just joined this sight today.
i'm hoping to find people here with similar experiences or have experience with similar situations or just any advise or feedback.. first.
my quick life story.. i was born into jw.
never a jw
Your story highlights the worst of the WT: blood and shunning of family members
I am curious. What's happened to your sister, your mom and your other brother since your breakdown?